
Why. Why why why. Whywhywhywhywhy did I take on a project that obviously extends itself past my pathetic and laughable HTML and graphic skills? Someone hit me in the nose. I suppose if I put some effort behind it I could make it work the way I want it too. I should have it done by now, you know. (Effort or slues of whining to people smarter then I. OhhelpmebecauseyouareaGOD whining. Youarejustsomuchbetterthenme whining. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease whining. Maybe a tear or two for good measure.) Effort, it just takes so much effort to put out effort. I'm so sad, where's that punch in the nose? (No, wait, I'm just jo-....ow.) I'm such a baby, alright. It's not that hard, I'm sure I can do it, if I'd just do it. Uhhu. Damn me and me need to one up my other personalities all the time anyway.

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