
A Story In Sounds: A Trip To The Graveyard

Hold your mouse over the links to see what each sound says, click to download.

Last night two of OPIT's (Oregon Paranormal Investigation Team) Members went Millers, our graveyard of choice. (Never bitter! Goes down smooth! Yeah..I could pull that off if I drank.) It was an awesome night, totally clear, the moon was huge and there were no weather problems. Not even a breeze. We never really have to use flashlights because it is so bright there. For those of you who aren't real up to speed on Millers (What? Don't you read my archives?) Here's the Skinny:

Millers was a plot of land donated by (dum dum dum) the Miller family in the 1800's to be used as a private graveyard for people of Silverton. The graveyard has quite a few plots, and is situated on a crappy (seriously dangerous) road at the top of a hill. The road is used alot, which causes problems for lil' ole me to distinguish what's what. (I'm good at it though...I think.) There is a very small, very 'night of the living dead' white church on the land that's only used when there is a funeral. (Yes, Millers is still used, the most latest burial was '00) The church has five huge windows going down both sides, and is full of old wooden pews. It has three doors on the front, one set of double doors, and one single door on the other side. Why, I have no idea. The church is unlocked during the day, and in the summer, unlocked at night. It would make an awesome investigation in itself, because you're always watched from the windows, no matter when you go there.

There is, for those of you who are wondering, a nice little outhouse on site too. (Hey, it beats driving back into town..even if it's an outhouse. I hate outhouses. I have Sanophobia. I swear.)

We were there for about two hours, and within the first ten minutes of being there we heard footsteps, whispers, and I was called a stupid fucking bitch (On tape! Not by people with me.) because the batteries in someone elses recorder was dead.

Wasn't that nice? Yep, cause we all know I am one. Uhhu.

We were greeted, and were noticed by other spirits too, and a couple more. We also got some weird little odds and ends (and another one..or two), as well as a couple bits of some helpful advice. The rest of the evening was spotted by footsteps (gravel crunching, leave crunching, stick breaking), sighs, strange noises (I do not squeak!), and heavy breathing.

Gee, and I didn't even have to put out.

We have a tentitive schedualed Invest. tonight with four of OPIT back at Millers, we also have schedualed an investigation tomorrow morning at 5 (AM, yes...AM) at one of our local schools, which has a whole plethora of activity going on. I can't wait. I love this crap.

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