
The Blogathon went sooo great. I had a blast. TPC brought in half of our goal, which was more then we thought we'd get, and we gave away ALL of our prizes.

Thanks so much to everybody who sponsored TPC, came by TPC and rallied us, and everybody who kept us company. I hope that those of you who couldn't do it this year can next, or that some of you are inspired to come and try next year. `Cause, the more the marrier.

I have a ton of people I'm going to link to from IBOM that I found during the `Thon that I'm stalking. I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did. (Hey, if someone is good enough to get your attention when you're half asleep and drooling at 3 am, they're worth linky love.)

So now, back to our regularly schedualed programming...

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