
My English class last night, completely long as it was (even with the 30 minute early end time) was absolutely great. The teacher is very dynamic and entertaining (and you'd have to be, if you're teaching a group of tired and cranky people from 6 to 10 PM and don't want them to revolt, and hold the State Library hostage) and really made everyone feel comfortable.

I was highly worried about how well I'd do. For those of you who read my blog, you'll notice I really don't implement proper grammar to everything, mainly because I find semicolons to be stupid. Oh, and pointless. Who really uses them in their writing? Besides Michael, that is. ;) In the three assignments we did in class, I found that all the students in there are pretty comparable to me, so I'm not really worried anymore.

One of the assignments was to pair off with someone and write a series of descriptive sentences. Descriptive writing is my favorite, so I guess my group sort of went overboard. It really made me feel more confidant in my writing and my ability to pass the class when the sentences the two of us put together were highly accepted by everyone in the room.

See, I knew my obsession with reading the thesaurus would pay off.

The class work itself doesn't feel that it will be so hard now, but it will still be intense. There are only seven classes left (all of course, four hours long) and each class has two to three papers due in it along with all the in-class assignments.


Now I'm off to slink into the Math Lab and fearfully turn in the assignment that you have to do before they even let you touch the first Mod test and hope that I got all the answers right. I didn't get any right I'm sure, so after they're finished punishing me with staples to the thumbs, maybe someone will explain some of the concepts to me.

Since I started this class a week late (I transferred from Online to Math Lab study) I'm a week behind everyone else. This means I have to pass the last two Mod tests, get the new Mod and pay someone to do the assignments for me and catch me up. Week behind = bad. Especially if I want to complete all the Mods and finish the class this term, and I do because I seriously don't want to pay for this math (crap, any math) again.

Then I have Psych study (Hey, for those of you who care, I landed a high B on the last exam, two stupid points from an A. It's all good though. I excel at being mediocre.) and then NAS. I plan on once again doing all my Psych studying in the Phys Ed building so I can watch the sweaty guys in their highly dorky shorts run around as they chase little bouncy balls around a glass room.

Good times, boys and girls. Good times.

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