Thank you James, have I ever mentioned how wonderfully great you are? ::grin::
Wonderfully great. ::nods::
I've decided since my current one seems to not want my money pretty badly, I'm just going to switch to someone better.
(Say it with me...subdomainsubdomainsubdomain...the things that make me happy.)
This of course means, that Hot Lake's opening MIGHT be set back just a little tiny bit, but we'll have to see about that, it could, in fact, open on time. Depending on how much offline work I do on it, and how fast I am once everythings changed, getting everything back up. We all know I'm slow, this'll be like...a test.
Yeah...that's see how bad I fail. Will I make baby Jesus weep? We'll see.
Aaaah..Baby Jesus...that brings back memories. Not fond ones...almost...surreal.
Want another story? You know you do...
(Please realize that everything I write is with a small grain of humor, I don't mean everything I say. So don't take it literal. I don't think anyone is evil, terrible, wicked or demon-spawn. I just say it because it sounds good.)
Once upon a time, in a small land far-far away known as the great territory of Oregon, lived a lovely young woman named Robin. (applause) Now Robin had two small children, who were decent children, in the grand scheme of things, and were really quite pleasant to be around. Other then the normal children things, that is.
One day, a good friend of Robins introduced her to a man named John. Now on the outside John seemed normal. Good job, nice house, nice guy. On the inside however, he was an oozing black pit of evil poison religion spit. (Dum dum dum..)
Now, this isn't the story of John, and his lunatic fantasies of starting a Jim Jones like cult, or Robin and her flee from doom, no, this story is on John's mother.
Soon after John and Robin were married, John's mother began her wicked plan to brainwash Robin's children into mindless God-fearing drones, who would do her every command. At the start, she didn't like the child named Jamie. (Who would have guessed?) she said Jamie was sneaky, and a liar. (Oh..and I am.) She told Jamie all the time how she was failing because she didn't do dishes right, or sew like the neighboor girls, because she didn't keep her dresser drawers in perfect order, and how she made Baby Jesus cry, and what was she going to do about that?
Jamie decided this lady was a raving bag of white hair-topped wind, and she could care less if Baby Jesus cried. What kind of parent was God anyway, she wondered, if God just let Jesus throw fits about things like shirt folding and floor mopping. Didn't Jesus have bigger fish to break? Didn't Jesus have better things to do, then weep over the toilet paper roll being put on under insted of over?
What was this Jesus' problem anyway?
The evil Grandmother however, failed to see the point of these questions. Jamie, being smart, and having to only learn once or twice from the smack of a belt, kept her little mouth shut, and put the damn paper on the way the evil Grandmother wanted it.
And bided her time.
(No, I never pushed her in a freakin' oven...what kind of person do you think I AM?)
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