
While I was out of town earlier this weekend, wandering around the narrow streets of Eugene and ignoring the extremly sophisticated idiot who almost hit me, and then had the nerve to give me the finger, I noticed something abandoned along side the stretch of road I was on that I should have though was rather odd but didn't because I had seen something almost exactly the same a few days before on my way downtown here at home.

It was just laying there next to the sidewalk. The time before it was on the sidewalk. Red, squishy, and abandoned. Poor little tomatoes.

After puzzling to myself while we attempted to merge into freeway traffic, just why were there tomatoes abandoned on the side of the road? Abandoned on the side of the road in two different cities almost 60 miles apart? Coming to a conclusion, I finally spoke up.

"That's the second tomato I've seen on the side of the road in the last week."

"A what?"

"A tomato. It was a slice this time, last time it was a whole tomato."


"Uhhu. They must be reinstating their savage mass strike movement."


"Yeah. You should roll up your windows maybe."

I spent the rest of the afternoon humming the chorus to myself and keeping an eye peeled for out for more sightings. I haven't seen any since, which leads me to believe that now they know that I know. So, when I finally venture back from hiding after months of avoiding the real world in fear and falling behind on my work, and I'm asalted for all the crimes against tomatoes I've commited, I want to be planted with my computer, so I have time to play ketchup.

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