However, I feel a new layout coming on and along with that some happy tasty fine content. You'll be proud, I promise.
Until then, you get crap. Excited? Me too.
I finished Year Of Wonders: A Novel of The Plague by Geraldine Brooks last night. The novel is about a village in 1666 that is infested with the Plague thanks to a bolt of infected cloth brought in by a tailor. In order to keep the Plague from spreading to the nearby villages, the Rector of the town convinces the people the best thing to do is to self-quarantine.
The village decides to do so, and then has to deal with all of the harshness of the plague, social injustice, and religious extremes all while being prisoners of their own town. The novels protagonist is Anna, barely 18 and a widower with two children, she loses everything she had to the plague, but finds the courage to come out of it a stronger and completely different person then she ever thought possible.
The novel was very well written, and I enjoyed it up until the last chapter, which had a 'twist' that to me felt out of place and rushed, and not entirely possible in the way that it was set. Not that the character couldn't have developed into what she became, but it was still a stretch. Not that this makes it a bad novel by any means.
I recommend it if you're looking for a well written, emotionally charged something to entertain you instead of doing Trig homework...I mean, you know, instead of doing whatever, laundry or weeding.
Year Of Wonders: A Novel of The Plague

Four and a half Duckie-Wuckies out of five. Don't judge the ducks, people.
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