
We agreed, for some reason I'll leave up to a temporary bout of insanity, to do a childcare craft fair that's going on in the middle of this month. Basicly it's run at the same time as the AgFest, at the fairgrounds, and it's all these childcare providers who get together, have tables, and offer crafts to kids while they advertise their business.

For ten hours.

Lordie. So, I designed an eight page coloring book that we're going to offer, along with crayons. (You get a coloring book and a box of eight crayons. I can get five boxes of eight for a buck at the dollar store.) The lady who organizes this said we have to shot for about 200, so we're making 220 coloring books, all of which have to be stapled and folded by....me.

Ahhh...how I love this slave labor.

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