The countdown is on, 17 days until LKP offically opens, and I've got a good 30 days worth of work left to do. I managed to get a small chunk of things out of the way today (ABN forms (I need two more, don't let me forget), more wall decorations (I make most of ours, since they're expensive), pricing on other things we need, things like that) I also found a guy downtown who's selling very nice trees for five dollars, so tomorrow I'm going to go down and get one.
Everyone around here is broke, so so far we can't afford to do any sort of Christmas thing. My sibs are probably going to their other Grandparents, my brother and his girlfriend are coming up here and everyones going to my house, but nobody can afford anything for anyone. I've managed to squeeze a bit of money to do a little shopping today, so hopefully it rounds out that everyone will get one or two things and dinner. Here's to hoping right?
My older brothers birthday is the 22nd, and he's coming down Saturday and staying through Christmas I think (I don't think they're going back down to turn around and come back up) and the sweetpea is bringing me Fatal Frame for my birthday! Is that just the best or what? I can't wait to play it. (Incase you're wondering, I got him ############ ####### for his birthday (object censored incase subject stumbles upon this journal in hopes of finding out what he got) ) Now I just have to get other presents and food. We're supposed to get paid, but if the check dosen't come into USDA by Monday, we won't get it until the 3rd of January, which is bad because I'm so broke I'm going to lose my power and water and apartment.
Oh well. I'll think positive. TreetreetreeI'mgettingatreee....
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