
This is cool. Some of what people said in this is not.

More and more, as I get better at not sacrificing my personal opinions and feelings for complete tolerance of people who are irrational, I find that I'm extremely tired of having people in my life who feel the need to down everything. Anything from projects to what clothes you're wearing, they find the negitive in everything because their own lives are so unhappy they need to make everyone around them unhappy too. People like this are misrable, and can't do anything because they're so afraid of anything working out for them. (Sucess! Friendships! Happiness! No! The pain! The devil you know is easier, I suppose)

They're absolutely horrid to be around, and it's easier to just walk the other way when you see them coming then it is to placate their negitiveness or listen to them find the fault in everything you do. However, I don't have much tolerance for it anymore, especally when it comes to me. You can down your own stuff all you want, but keep your icky bad vibes away from mine. I don't live that way, and I sure as hell don't want to.

On another note, the new blogger has vanished. I hope it comes back soon, I liked it.

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