While we're on the subject of grades, what is with this +/- system thing. It drives me batty. My Zooprof doesn't do it, but one of my ECE professors do, and it's worthless. Worthless, I tell you. She doesn't even put points-out-of on your paper, just a grade and then a +/-. How am I supposed to keep track of my current grade in the class, when +/- can totally mess up your accumulative grade? It can. Just give me points! If the points are above 90% then I got an A. It's simple math, which is about all I can do anyway, so don't make it harder on me! An A is an A is an A. Don't hash it up inside the grade like a nit-picker, just let me get what I earned. Damnit.
Plus, it really bugs me to see "A-". It wasn't good enough for a full blown "A", it has to have a negative attached? Especially when I'm in a class about how to develop a healthy child by being positive and supportive structures in their lives. I don't know about the rest of you, but it certainly hurts my feelings and stagnates my intellectual growth when I'm given a minus. I'm sorry, but I just don't think I can do that paper right now, my insides are crying.
Bottles are missing.
Where have they gotten off to?
Did you steal them all?
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