
Ooo, Norbert evolved...or, whatever it is that his kind do.

Isn't he cute?

TSW is down, there is an Emerg. meeting tonight for staff...I don't know what's up, so I can't inform anyone out there until later tonight. Then I should know something, until then, please forward all comments, flames, and whines to the suggestion box located in the main lobby. :)

The NaNo novel is going alright...I keep getting distracted ::grin:: but it dosen't matter because it's fun nonetheless (I do that just to make you mad.)

Hot Lake? Monday. I fixed the script problems, only other thing that's been bothering me is setting up the library in a convenent yet spiffy way. I think I got it...for the most part. I also have another 30 rolls of film and 200 minutes of tape to upload, so...I'll be busy.

It's good for me, keeps me outta trouble.

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