
Yeeeeesterday was Pran's bday. (Everyone go over and tell her 'Happy Belated Bday'. Now. Move.) She's 150 but that's ok, just because you're an old foge dosen't mean you can't kick it up. I mean, she's kewl..she likes the exploding whale!

Ahh..she's going to hurt me. Anyway...I love love love her, she is so funny and nice. She dosen't care if I'm not an angel pretending to be an angel pretending not to know you know I'm not an angel. She puts up with me anyway! (Unlike a few people who've made it their goal to expose me...I am an angel, goddamnit! lol. Yeah! I want that domain...www.imanangeldamnit.com, what do you think?)

I'd sing..but I can't...so I'll spare you that. Anyway, go tell her Happy Bdays, like I told you to. And buy her some of this.

Hmm...was I supposed to be writing on my novel? I apologize then, I'll get back to it.

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