
I've had a couple people ask me about the orange comment. Here's the skinny babe. According to a rumor I intercepted while working on a sub..er...wait, no. According to something told to me in far more mundane ways, I was told if you beat someone with oranges in a burlap sack, they'll cause internal bruising, but no outside marks.

Kewl, said I.

I don't know if this is real, or just some Urban Legend, Wishful Thinking or Sick Idea, but so far I've found nothing that confirms OR disproves this little tidbit o' information. Ahh..Orange beatings. That reminds me of when I was a kid, and we used to have potato beatings. Now them were real beatin's! You'd stand in the feild after a long day of potato pickin' and you'd get whapped in the back of the head with a sack of potatos! YES! Everyone got beat with them potatos, cause that's the way it was! Then you'd walk home, 12 miles through potato feilds, potato peices, and bits o' eyeballs and whatnothaveyous. Cause you'd get hit in the back of the head with that ole sack o' potatos and you'r eyed pop right outta yer head and go flyin. I miss them potato beatin's...those were the good ole days.

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