
Anyone have the translated lyrics for Tsukiko Amano's song 'Cho'? It's the theme from Fatal Frame 2 and I'm completely addicted to it's J-poppy goodness. However, I never got a chance to beat the game so I didn't get to see the translated subtitles of the song at the end.

If you haven't heard it, you can go to this site and it loads as the background music. It matches the game very well, and it's disgustingly catchy, even if it's in Japanese.

For those of you who are wondering, I managed to get to Chapter Seven. That means I had a couple chapters left before I beat the game, which makes me sad, because I never get to beat anything before the PS2 is removed from my house.

So, here are a couple questions answered for you and some of my mindless comments:

* No it's not scary, but there are a couple of spots where I giggled because something startled me. It's good clean creepy lights off after dark fun. Don't be a wuss, play it.

* It's gorgeous as all get out. Even if you don't like horor genre games, it's worth picking up just because it's so dang pretty.

* The ghosts in this one are harder, mainly because they show up in groups insted of just one at a time. Since they're harder in this game (although some people disagree with me on this, because of the way the camera works differently) they show up less often. I've heard people say they repop, but I've never had any repop on me. (and trust me, I spent a heck of alot of time wandering around the same areas) In the last game by the time I was finished I had shot more then 300 ghosts, in this one, by the time I finally had to let it go (crying and snivvling the whole time) I had only shot around 35. Not including door or unhostile ghosts. See, lots less.

* The storyline is pretty good and it's got a couple of nods to the first game that I really appriciated. Plot, got to love it.

It's good fun, and I suggest you go down and pick up a copy and give it a whirl. I actually rented mine, and I still have it. Thanks to the weather, I haven't been able to return it when it when it was due. Isn't that just the way it goes? I don't have the PS2 anymore and I've still got the game and I can't play it.

Mean, just plain mean.

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