
Every day at work I read Busstop an odd little column located (oddly, just like the column) on the front page of the classified section of the Statesman Journal.

Busstop is written by Patrick Johnson, who's so totally my hero. He goes out to the Cherriots bus terminal and asks people weird questions sometimes from him, sometimes sent in by readers, and then prints their answers. He prints E-mails on Tuesdays, and voice mails on Saturday which, is my favorite. Because everyone likes weird, random, bizzre voice mails don't they? The whole thing could be boring or just stupid, but Pat has a quirky sense of humor that makes it addictive.

It's updated every day, so if you're bored out of your mind at work, then I suggest giving it a quick read. You'll thank me, honest you will.


Little drippy drops.
Cascading into puddles,
Getting feetsies wet.

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