
A very merry Christmas Eve to all those who celebrate Christmas. I'm heading out the door in just over an hour to go out of town to drive three and a half hours to visit relatives for the day. Doesn't that sound like heaps big fun? I'm looking forward to it, but don't tell them that.

I still have to come home this evening and finish my baking and wrapping. I baked and wrapped (wraked? Bapped?) all day yesterday, but as always, it's endless. There is a circle of hell where all you do for eternity is wrap oddly-shaped items with scraps of paper a quarter of an inch too small and one piece of tape from the end of the roll - you know, with the cardboard from the roll torn off on the end.

I've got Almond Roca bars to bake, those are time consuming in themselves. But I did get two huge pans of brownies and about 9 dozen sugar cookies done. I decorated the cookies yesterday, which is always fun. Most of them were dipped in chocolate and then covered with crushed candy cane. Yum.

Weather is nice and clear, and it finally stopped raining outside for a bit, so I'm out the door. Have a fantastic day, and to those of you who are traveling, be safe!


Grinch is my fave, man.
But I haven't seen it once,
And that makes me sad.

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