
The trip went great. We got there right on time (before the crowds got there, which was nice) and the kids had alot of fun. The place had their prices all screwed up, and had them listed wrong on their website so I didn't get the best package I could have. (Their customer service was also lacking, because they never returned calls or E-mails but...oh well)

I, got to spend a good portion of my time popping disgusting amounts of tokens into DDR-5th Mix. How can someone not love that game? It's so fun! And 5th has a Never Ending Story remix that I just love. I doubled with Lane, and although our scores never got above a "B" we had a heck of alot of fun. The only thing was is that I wouldn't do her favorite (Afronova Primeval) with her. I won't, because the thing is insane.

What's amusing is how impressed people get. They stand around and say how good you are, when you know that your score for that song won't be above a D because you missed all the stupid left/down jumps. (I hate left down jumps, I hate left anything jumps, but I hate left down the most.)

Now, we've decided to get a second pad (I only have one) and practice at home (Yes, it's not the same, I know) and hit the arcade once a week and take over the DDR machine they have, and play there. If I was rich, I'd so buy one. I also want this, really bad, because I don't have it (and I don't have a PS2 to buy PS2 DDR games) and it's a pain to find anywhere. If anyone buys me any presents this year (heh) make it this one. :)

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