
I've been reviewing medical schools with a more critical eye lately. As much as I want to stay in Oregon and attend OHSU, I would really like the opportunity to attend a someplace else. Maybe even someplace out of the country...someplace tropical...with cabana boys. Really, really tall and tanned cabana boys...with accents. That's not too much for a girl to ask for, is it?

It's about time to start deciding for sure where I'll be sending applications. Only about 21 more months and it'll be time to start crossing my fingers and plastering the higher education world with my pleas for acceptance. 21 months isn't going to take long to fly past me at all, and I know if I don't decide soon, then I'll just be stuck attending the only school that will accept me last minute: The Antarctica Medical University, with an attendance of 3 students, and two of them are seals.

That, if you'll excuse the language my dear figments, would suck.

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