
There is something wrong with me. Lately I've been watching this, in fact, I've been actually enjoying watching it. Perhaps it has something to do with the lack of sleep I've been getting lately, or maybe it's just because I no longer have any taste.

The link above is to it's official homepage which is in Japanese by the way. If you want English information on it, here you go. Heck, if you want to download it and suffer through the campy, horrible series with me, you can do that here.

Or, you can just shoot me now.

I finally thought up a topic for my next paper, so now I have the rest of today and three hours tomorrow to finish it before tomorrow night. The one thing about the class being so intense is that everything is completely rushed so you can't really throw out quality papers. This bothers me, because I hate turning in something I know is seriously sub-par.

I have a cool topic for another paper, but unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll get to use it. I've even written half the thing. :( Oh well, I'll save it and maybe I'll get a chance to use it in another class in a coming term. Or I could set up a website where people can buy my papers off of me. That seems to be popular.

Good luck to all of you doing finals this week. You're all ahead of me, none of mine start for another two weeks. Yay.

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