Someone with cancer.
I had Ally flashbacks. This story sounded ALMOST 100% accurate to what Ally told me was pulled on TONS of people in the cancer rooms on Prodigy years ago. The story finally died after almost a year with the 'death' of the child with cancer.
It's sad, very very sad. That people feel the need to do things like this to other people. Be it insecurity or fun.
I've been on the recieving end of this. For six years I was lied to (along with Hundreds of other people, dozens of them 'close friends' AND the people and relationships in his 'RL') by someone claiming to be something he wasn't.
I was his mistake, he let me in closer then he did anyone else, and after a long period of time putting the clues together I confronted him.
Unlike the people with 'Kaycee' I never got the truth from him. He cut me, and everyone else off. In fact, somehow with some people so bound to not believe it, I've become the subject of their anger.
I like the people in 'Kaycee's' story, knew they'd never hear from this person again.
His story mirrors 'Kaycees' with insane and scary lines. Lying to protect lying, making up other false people to replace people that have been questioned.
This is a disease. These people needing this validation by pretending to be others need help.
Was I angry? Sure, eight months ago when I finally decided what I knew was the truth, I was extremely angry. But my anger would solve nothing, I knew confronting him would cause more lies. He's not going to admit the truth, to me, or to anyone.
Did I feel stupid? For a while...yeah. Especally since I let it go on longer then I should have. I did that because I myself wasn't ready for the whole confronting thing...and...I'm very trusting, very willing to let peoples weird things slide, I'm a dork who believes the best in everyone. It got me fried. But that's kewl, I took away the things I need to learn, and I won't let anyone do that again. But that dosen't mean I won't trust people again. Trust and letting people poke sticks in your eye are two different, seperate things.
Remember this, if you're lying to people about who you are over the internet, don't be so foolish to believe they're just some nameless, faceless somebodies typing to you. We've all got feelings, we all worry, get attached, love, and none of us deseve to be manipulated like that, and if you aren't careful, some people aren't going to be as forgiving about it as the rest of us.
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