
Well today has deffinatly been interesting. I started the day waking up from a dream in which I was in court defending myself against irate, irrational childcare clients.

Perhaps it's a hint. I need a new job.

Then, when I did the mail check thing this morning, I get a letter from someone (Names being withheld to protect the guilty ::wink::) saying something someone ELSE said something about their religion offended them and I better do something about it. (This was for my TSW team...www.thesitewars.com/team6/)

I thought about it, and thought about it for about an hour, then I finally composed a letter that said:


I have always wanted this team to be a second home. A place where you could tell us how your day was, send jokes, or even more personal things, like your religious beliefs. I have never once been offended or angry at any views expressed by my team. I find each one unique and as special as the person who believes them.

Unfortunately others do not view things the way I do. Unfortunately feelings have been hurt, and people have been angered over the simple expressing of religious and personal views.

My only option besides not allowing personal posts that have nothing to do with the team, is to point out that you are entitled to your opinion, views, and religion, but you may never ever EVER use it against someone who believes different then you with the attempt to harm, damn, correct or 'change' them, or to point out you are right. You may also not ask me to penalize parties because they view things differently then you do. I will not do this any more then I would ask you to change your beliefs for me. This is the only way I can be fair without taking away the personal touch that I love about our team.

I enjoy the things sent to our list. I enjoy seeing everyone's opinions and beliefs. I like the prayers, I like the spells (I'll be trying that hair one out.) and I like the other personal things people send. It makes me feel like we're an important part of their lives, it makes me feel like we're friends, and that's the whole point of this team. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to share.

If you can NOT post something with love and respect to another person and a positive intent. DO NOT POST.

If someone has shared something that offended you and you want to rebuttal, stop and think why. Was it because they think differently then you? Wouldn't you be hurt if someone attacked you because of your beliefs? Then why would it be ok for you to hurt them?

What you believe is important, no one can change that. No matter if your Christian, Wiccan, Hindu, or you pray to the Man in the Moon. No religion is right, no religion is wrong, you go with the one that feels best to you, and that is why it's important. Because one view is not your view it does not make that view wrong.

Please think before you post and treat people with the respect that you wish to receive.

It was the only way I could think of being fair to everyone without pointing my fingers saying you're wrong because of your beliefs. ::shrug:: I might have been able to handle it different, and I felt terrible having to write it, because I don't want to accuse anyone of intentionally hurting someone else.

::shrug:: Ahhh...can't please everyone I guess.


On another note, the guy about the Graveyard hasn't called me back. No permission, no graveyard for the Blog. No graveyard, mad people. Mad people, crying Jamie. Now, I know no one wants to see that.

What's with this permission thing? No one wants to give it to me. I must have the plague or something.

Yeah...that's it.

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