
At the farmers market today I was sad at how expensive produce is, realy. Four bucks for a pound of cherries? I could pick eight pounds for that much, all I would have to do is tolerate falling off a ladder a few times. No big deal. I can do that much for sweet cherry goodness!

For those of you who live in states where you have to pay a quarter to use a public restroom and then have to pay another dime for that square of paper, this may not be all that expensive sounding to you, but I don't live there, I live here, and it is.

Man, I want cherries and I don't want to have to sell a kidney to get them. If I do that, then I won't be able to eat solids because the meds'll just make me yuke them back up, and it wouldn't matter then anyway.

The Haiku of the Day:
I'm going to go
and U-pick my own dang fruit,
and I won't even share.

Posts until IBOM's 1000th post: 80

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