So what's the mission you ask? It's simple: I'm on a mission to track down the best enchiladas.
I don't care if I have to sneak into a Hispanic-american's kitchen, bribe a waiter at a restaurant or buy stock in a frozen food company, I'm going to find the best enchiladas ever made, because I love them.
So, to begin my search I've started with the usual suspects - the enchiladas that are easiest to get my grubby little hands on. As I continue my search I'll report back here with my findings and opinions.
Aren't you glad? Yes you are, now get your hand out of my bag of chips, sucker.
Today's enchilada:
Reser's Fine Foods Baja Cafe Three Cheese enchiladas with Salsa Verde
So, I saw this over at Winco and grabbed a box. They're frozen, with four little trays of two enchiladas each. I think I paid like four something for it, so the price isn't all that bad.
It's easy to heat, you stab some holes in the plastic covering (and if you're like me, cackle gleefully at the loud pop noise it makes) and throw it in the microwave for 3.5-5 minutes, or however long it takes to heat the middle without melting the plastic into a big puddle of goo.
The Salsa Verde is green - I'm warning you now. Yes, I know Salsa Verde is green, but this was an almost unnatural green, but not so flourescent that it was scary to take that first bite. I'm brave though, so bite I did. The website claims the Salsa Verde is 'Zesty' but in reality it was more like someone stuck a hot pepper seed near your nose and then made you snort it. It was wickedly spicy, with a weird almost cajun taste to it. My mouth had a unplesant (for me, anyway) dull burn in it for nearly 30 minutes after I had finished eating it.
Once you could see past your tears, and you've guzzled your first gallon of water, the rest of it was pretty good. The cheese wasn't anything fantastic, but at least it tasted like cheese (not like cardboard, which often happens in frozen food), and the tortilas - corn from what I could tell - weren't dry (because they were drowning in the merciless Salsa Verde), which was nice.
It however reaked some major havok on my stomach (I can't do spicy or acidic food well at all) but I finished it, because my momma would have killed me and sent my corpse to starving children in Vlockoslavakia if she had found out otherwise.
It would have been better if they toned down the 'Zestyness' and maybe thrown in a few tomatos or olives on the top. Olives = bliss.
All in all, this one rates four corn chips on a scale of ten.

So for the next trial, I need to go look again in the frozen food section to see what I can find. I think I'll get those out of the way first. I'm telling you, it's worth the extra two pounds I'm going to gain from eating all that cheese.
Today's hiaku of the day:
They hurt worse then a marble,
Please trust me: I know.
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