
Well, Kevin's on his way to Colorado...HEY BOY! You promised! Pictures and an email once a day...someone's gotta make sure you're keeping yourself out of trouble. ::giggle::

Erin's a great girl...I wovie her! ::giggle:: so he's in good hands...she'll keep him in line.

Anyway...I've been sucked into the Neopets void again. ::grin:: Cass got me into it last summer, but I quit when fall came around. My neo actually got adopted by Moon! It was so neat!

But she convinced me to go over and play again...so now I'm addicted. ::grin:: One more hobby in my endless list of things to do...

ALL YOUR FAULT CASS! Bad girl! Bad! ::giggle::

Next week is Kim's Bday...I've got to get her a present (Shh...yes! Don't TELL HER!) she needs something good because her birthday last year bit the big one, and we can NOT have that happen this year.

Cass' bday is coming up soon too...::evil grin:: Gotta get her something and SEND it to her. (I've still got her stuff from Christmas..um...heh...::sigh:: )

I might have another sponsor! ::makes doe eyes:: C'mon...I need MORE! Please?

Anyway...I've got some stuff to do since it's Saturday I should get busy on the whole catchin' up with my online work thing.


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