
I'm back, did you miss me?

Nah? I didn't think so...anyway.

We've had this trip to Hot Lake planned for a while, and Triage called me (The company that produces Fox Family's "Scarest Places") anyway, they called me because they were filming up at Hot Lake and wanted more information because the producer had none.

So, I gave him some information, and he mentioned he found my site, and it gave him the idea to film there, and he used my photos and informaiton (Without asking) to sell it to the network.

Well, I didn't say anything (even though I should have, copyright infringment is one thing that I hate.) and he said he wanted me to go up there for an interview. Well, since I was going anyway, I said sure, why not.

I drive 8 hours to get up there, it was about 6:30 at night, I go straight to Hot Lake to grab some pictures and sounds. (Ended up with a total of about 12 rolls of film and 220 minutes of tape...got gooood stuff...I always get stuff when I go there.) It was a perfect full moon, and it was a lovely orange color. Perfect ghost huntin' weather too.

We hang out until about 11 that night because I thought we should go because I had a feeling other people would be interupting us. (When you have an investigation, any other people who aren't involved lower the quality of the investigation. No offense to them, but you can't get good pictures or sounds if other people are wandering around your site.)

Come to find out, close to a dozen people came and went that night, so it was good we left.

Anyway, I went by Saturday morning to get some good morning shots, and low and behold, the owner was there, so we didn't stop. (She dosen't like me, I am a troublemaker, according to her.)

So we went to go visit a friend in N. Powder, and by the time we got back, Fox was out there.

Wwwweeeeeeellll, we pull in, and they say "Oh, we were told you canceled, we filled your spot, it's a closed shoot, you can't take pictures or anything." I was like...::muffled scream::

Since I had 'canceled' (I never did...lol) and they said I could hang out to see if they needed me (NO way) or hang out till 11 to do stuff after they were done (No) I came home.

I wrote Mr. Burns (Producer in charge there.) and he was like 'Oh, that was a mistake, someone else canceled and they thought it was you.' Yeah...::grin:: SURE!

So that was my fun run in with disorganized major network america.

I'm not impressed.

AND! They fubared my inves! lol

So I get home (Not in a good mood, 28 hours of driving in roughly two and a half days.) and guess who wrote a letter to me?

You'll never guess.

Fred. I kid you not. Apologizing for lying to me for 5ish years.

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

He wanted to be friends again, I wrote him and told him no, not after what he did. I'm stupid, I'm not dumb. Just because I forgave him dosen't mean I have to let him back in to my life. I told him thanks for the apology though, I deserved one of those.

I don't care if other people think I'm mean, he lied to me about everything, that's not right, and if you think it's right, you've got problems.

Well, here's the creepy part (Just when I think nothing can shock me!) I was talking about it to Robin, and I checked my mail, and there was another letter from him saying I called him and he heard part of the conversation.

My phone, had dialed him, with no help from me, at the exact minute we were talking about him.

Blew me away.

Can you believe it?

I love this life stuff.


Went to the river last night...::finds you a picture of the river::

Server is down, I'll upload one for you later.

My moms best friend owns a house on two rivers, right where they fork. It's lovely. She ended up with a whole slue of people there, but that's ok.

She makes good chicken. (I know that isn't rational, but shh..)


Anyway, now I'm going to go do some running around before I have to return to the Slaves life tomorrow. ::grin::

I'll be back later to babble on about something else. No, I don't know what yet. It's a suprise.

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