I spent the day AT HOME! Amazing, yes? Damn straight, only the SECOND day in a year that I've spent the entire day at home. I played with my neglected kittens, and scowled at the ants.
I have ants. Isn't that disgusting? It grosses me out. It's all because of the cat food, you should know it's evil stuff by the smell, but I ignored that warning and fed it to them anyway. Then I was stupid enough NOT to throw it away outside, insted I threw it in the garbage can under the sink.
An lo, the stupid shall suffer for their mistakes.
I woke up the next morning to a parade. Balloons, little anty-circus animals, bad two mile an hour floats, down my wall, over my sink, into my cupboard. "Rah rah rah! Let's eat the cat food!" Little antene swinging, marchin' fools. Bringing back the nummy feast to their little slimy queen.
I threw it all away, cleaned it up, but no...revenge...they were back the next morning.
And the next...
And the next...
They're so icky too, crawly little black things...UGH! But...oddly enough, I don't have the heart to put poison out. (Although, I am cruel enough to wipe them all up with a wet paper towel and wash their little bodies down the sink. Death to the ants! I wonder if they scream.)
Ants and spiders...I can't stand them. I'm sure they're off plotting against me right now. That's how they are, you know.
I get off work today early, since we only had two, we took them out to lunch.
Mexican food and two year olds. What a fun afternoon that was. They were alot better then I thought they'd be, I escaped beanless.
Anyway, I get off early, so I think I'm going to go spend the evening at...Millers! Yes! That's right, the graveyard of champions! (Crunchy, even in milk.)
I'm thinking I'll get something because it's just one of those days. Clear, warm, I said so...you know.
Anyway, so if we go and get anything, I'll let everyone know. This should be fun...
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