
Well, the agenda for today is eaither Millers (My graveyard of choice!) or movies...

::holds out her hands:: Millers...movies...Millers...movies...

I don't know, it's too hot to choose. Maybe I'll just see where I end up.

My life is boring.

I've got to go drop film off after work...a good dozen or so rolls. I'm hoping something came of all that, I don't want to have driven for nothing.

Well...that's not true, it's not ALL for nothing...I did get some good sounds. In fact, one of my favorites (Have I already talked about this? I can't remember...oh lord, there goes the last brain cell...it's the heat!) was while we were standing around in the surgery room.

We were in there probably a good half hour, and not really talking, (I do NOT SQUEAK!) and I set my recorder down on an old wall heater.

You know, the ones that look like they'll burn you up if you get too close? Never should of licked that wall heater, they'll say. Yeah, and I wasn't anywhere near it, I was scoping out bats from one of the far windows. Honest. (I like bats, unlike other big wussies that grace my gender with their high pink pumps and their tendancies to jump on chairs at the mention of mice...or bats. I think bats are kewl. Fuzzy flying mice-birds...yep...that's what they are. Attack my pretties! Ok...back to the subject..)

On my recoder we've got the following:

Person A: (VC) I don't feel good.
Person B: (VC) Hu?
Person A: (M) -Something something- (Sounds like "That man over there) (VC) hurt me.
Footsteps walking out of the room and down the hall, no underfoot crunching.

A key...VC: Very Clear - M: Muffled

Don't it just make you want to get up and dance? Yeah, I was beaming like a complete fool. We got some other good stuff too, someone singing, a bunch of sighs, someone yelling "wait", someone saying "Fall" as we were walking down the stairs. (There's a story there, after we left, Robin mentioned to me how she felt like someone wanted to push her on the stairs leading from the second to first floors. I felt the same way. Isn't that nifty?)

I also got a "Don't trip", some gobbledygook that I'll have to filter out, someone saying "Fuck You" (I kid you not...my feelings were hurt! ::Grin:: ) and some other sounds.

I'll get them up on my site, and my stupid site open soon.


I can't find James! ::wails:: I'm being told theres no such domain. Gee...I hope nothing happened to him. ::sniffles::

I'm reading "The Cobra Event" (I read three books yesterday! Already halfway through this one. I hate reading so fast, it ruins all the fun. It's almost sad.) yet another entertaining (and suprisingly good) book that's inspiring odd and violent dreams.

But at least I don't dream about N'Sync. ::grins:: ::runs:: (Don't hit me!)

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