I probably got booted a dozen times yesterday, and booted from AIM at LEAST fourty if not more. My ISP decided it wouldn't connect for me. I don't feel too bad though, everyone else I asked who uses them also had a bad day.
James, (Who is a total sweety head) set me up my own forums at his site! I feel so special! Thank you James!
So those of you who want to go gab about Hot Lake (Or Skyte Designs...questions?) go over and sign yourself up.
The rules are the same as on the mailing list, for those of you on it.
For those of you who aren't, you have to be nice. You can be nice, can't you?
See, I knew you had it in ya.
So I talked to Fred yesterday. I asked him to IM me so we could talk about him getting ahold of other people who are wanting to talk to him. Well, he IMed me with "Is everything alright?" And I was like yeah...sure, I'm not dying or anything. (HA! Famous last words.)
Well, come to find out, someone had IMed him (Someone he didn't know) and HAD told him I was dying.
Can you believe it? I'm dying and they didn't even TELL ME!
Well, this blows all my plans to friggin...::mutter::
After assuring him I wasn't dying (Unless they know something I don't...::glances at her windows and behind closet doors::) we ended up talking for most of the evening about things, I got alot of the questions I had answered. Which is a good thing.
So...I guess I should make a will out hu? ::sniffles:: I...I'm going to miss living so much! ::wails::
I, Jamie King, never being of sound mind, and who cares about body.
Here by leave all my worldly possessions to whoever gets there first to drag my bloated and rotting corpse out of the bathtub where I fell and hit my head, and died in two inches of lukewarm water eight days before. The room in which my spirit hovers close to the ceiling in shame.
You delt with it, you can have it all. Except for my Frogs...bury those with me (Selfish in life...yadda yadda)...and my cats, Erin gets my cats.
My computer? No, you can't have my computer. Damnit! Damnit! Don't touch that! HEY! Where do you think you're going?
::rolls her eyes:: Just to set the record straight to those of you who are wondering.
No, I'm not dying.
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