
So here we are upon the mountain top of knowledge. We have made it past the worst weather now. The earth is cold, our bodies cling together searching for the warmth that is escaping our grasp. Tiffany is dead now....after what seems to be a freak attack involving a shark, a beanie baby, and a leaf blower. Savanna has weathered the journey the best. She is so brave..so...brave. Jamie is cryig, Terra is out in the forrest looking for food. We have traded Elaine for food. She fetched a healthy price. Two Chickens, 3 Fish, and a bag of cheetos. We are almost upon the shore from there we head out to the Land of Milk and Honey. My name is Cory, I am here recording the journey. Hoping..praying that it will come to an end. Pray for us. Please. Pray for us.

Here is a small poem I wrote about our journey:
I like to run, I like to hide. I have pasty thighs. I run a thousand miles to earn a buck. I like to rake muck. Some like to....run a muck. I love cheese, and yearn to please. I like Jackie Chan he is Chinese.
End Scene

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